The signs are divided as follows:
- 10.1 Danger signs
- 10.2 Obligation to yield and right-of-way signs
- 10.3 Prohibition signs
- 10.4 Mandatory signs
- 10.5 Information sign
- 10.6 Service plate
- 10.7 Road signs
- 10.8 Sub-sign
- 10.9 Marking signs

10. Sign overview
10.1 Danger signs (1/7)
Danger sign

100 Dangerous turn
This sign is used to warn of a dangerous right turn. The sign can also be found with the arrow on the left. A bend is considered dangerous when road users have to make sudden speed reductions or changes of direction. The aim of separating such curves is to reduce the element of surprise.

102 Dangerous turns
This sign is used to warn of several dangerous turns in succession, the first on the right. The sign is also available in a mirrored version. A bend is considered dangerous when road users have to make sudden speed reductions or changes of direction. The aim of separating such curves is to reduce the element of surprise.

104.1 Steep hill
The sign warns of an upcoming uphill that is long and steep, and can come as such a surprise to road users that it causes particular danger or major accessibility problems.

104.2 Steep hill
The sign warns of an upcoming downhill slope that is long and steep, and can come as such a surprise to road users that it causes particular danger or major accessibility problems.

106.1 Narrower road
This sign warns of significant narrowings on both sides of roads with high speed or heavy traffic. The sign can also be placed on roads where the upcoming narrowing is not easy to see from a sufficient distance.

106.2 Narrower road
The road becomes narrower and the narrowing occurs on the right. This means that you are obliged to give way to oncoming traffic unless otherwise indicated and the road is too narrow for two vehicles to pass each other. Available in a mirrored version.
10. Sign overview
10.1 Danger signs (2/7)
Danger sign

108 Uneven road
The sign warns of bumps in the road that can be dangerous if you don't slow down. Minor irregularities shall not be notified. It is easy to confuse this sign with the sign for speed bumps.

109 Speed bump
The sign warns of upcoming speed bumps. The sign is not usually used in areas with a speed limit zone of 30 km/h since the speed is already low.

110 Road works
This sign warns road users that they are coming to a place where roadworks are in progress and that they must therefore exercise particular caution. There may be people, machines or vehicles working on or near the road. Parts of the road may also be closed.

112 Stone chips
This sign warns of the danger of rock debris on the upcoming section. In certain road conditions, there is a risk of loose stones bouncing off the wheels. The stones can damage windows.

114.1 Race hazard
The sign warns of the danger of rock, earth, snow and similar landslides on the upcoming stretch. This means that debris can lie on the roadway and you must pay close attention to the road. The sign shows which side of the road the landslide can come from and is available in a mirrored version.

116 Smooth roadway
The sign is used when the road is slippery, e.g. in case of heavy rainfall or in places where the road may be exposed to special icing over a bridge or isolated embankment. The sign can also be used to warn that the road surface may become slippery during rainfall due to newly laid asphalt or soil on the carriageway. The sign is also used to warn of slippery road surfaces due to special conditions that have arisen, for example in the event of an oil spill. Note that the sign is not used to warn of slippery road surfaces due to snow or ice under normal conditions.
10. Sign overview
10.1 Danger signs (3/7)
Danger sign

117 Dangerous road cold
Sign 117 is set up where the roadside is steep, uneven, or has poor bearing capacity. Vehicles must not drive along the roadside.

118 Movable bridge
The sign is put up in front of drawbridges or swing bridges, to make you aware that the road may be closed if the bridge is raised.

120 Quay, beach or ferry hire
The sign is used to warn that the road leads directly towards water at the quay, beach or ferry port if this could cause a risk of going downhill.

122 Tunnel
The sign is used in front of tunnels that have not been notified with a "Tunnel name sign" if the tunnel first becomes visible at a distance of 150-250 meters and is so long or located in such a way that daylight does not illuminate it in its full length.

124 Dangerous intersection
Warns of a dangerous intersection where the usual duty to give way to traffic from the right applies. The intersection may be unclear, difficult to spot, or there may have been accidents there in the past.

126 Roundabout
The sign is put up before a dangerous roundabout, or where a roundabout can come as a surprise to traffic. The sign is rarely used in front of roundabouts.
10. Sign overview
10.1 Danger signs (4/7)
Danger sign

132 Traffic light signal
This sign can be found in front of traffic lights that can surprise traffic, due to a high speed limit or poor visibility. On roads with a speed limit of 60 km/h or outside densely built-up areas, these are appropriate places to use the sign.

134 Level crossing with barrier
This sign warns of an upcoming level crossing that is secured with a barrier.

135 Level crossing without barrier
The sign warns of a level crossing that is not secured with a barrier.

136.1 Distance signs
This is the last distance sign before the level crossing. The sign shows that there is 1/3 left of the distance indicated by the first distance sign.

132.2 Distance signs
Second notice of upcoming level crossing. The sign shows that there is 2/3 left of the distance indicated by the first distance sign.

136.3 Distance signs
First notification of upcoming level crossing. Stands together with level crossing warning signs.
10. Sign overview
10.1 Danger signs (5/7)
Danger sign

138.1 Railway track – single track
The sign is at the level crossing itself and shows that it is single track.

138.2 Railway track – multi-track
The sign is at the level crossing itself and shows that it is multi-track.

139 Tram
Sign 139 is used to warn of trams in mixed traffic. It must be used in front of all intersections with trams where the speed limit is 60 km/h or higher. Where the speed limit is 50 km/h or lower, sign 139 can be used in front of junctions or other places where trams can surprise other traffic.

140 Distance to footpath
The sign is used to warn of upcoming pedestrian crossings and must always have a lower sign showing the distance to the pedestrian crossing. The sign is used before pedestrian crossings in areas that are not clearly densely built-up or if the visibility of the pedestrian crossing is poor.

142 Children
The sign is put up where children typically travel, for example at a school, playground or nursery school.

144 Cyclists
This sign is put up before sections where cyclists often cross or drive into the road.
10. Sign overview
10.1 Danger signs (6/7)
Danger sign

146.1 Moose
The sign stands in front of stretches where moose often travel along the road and where there is a danger of them crossing the road.

146.2 Reindeer
This sign stands in front of stretches where reindeer often travel along the road and where there is a danger of them crossing the road.

146.3 Deer
The sign stands in front of stretches where deer often travel along the road and where there is a danger of them crossing the road.

146.4 Cow
This sign should only be used in places where cows often cross or stay on the road, and the visibility conditions require notification. Outside the grazing season, the signs must be removed or covered.

146.5 Sheep
This sign should only be used in places where sheep often cross or stay on the road, and the visibility conditions require notification. Outside the grazing season, the signs must be removed or covered.

148 Oncoming traffic
Sign 148 can be used after a stretch of road with one-way traffic, or in other places where misunderstandings may arise regarding the direction of travel, to warn that the following stretch of road has traffic in both directions.
10. Sign overview
10.1 Danger signs (7/7)
Danger sign

149 Queue
Sign 149 is used to reduce the risk of rear-end collisions. The sign is mostly used on free stretches of road where queues often occur and these can come upon drivers unexpectedly. This can be, for example, in places with poor visibility or unclear high-speed roads.

150 Aircraft
This sign can be used to warn that aircraft taking off or landing at a nearby airport may be flying low over or close to the road. This is particularly relevant near the end of the runway.

151 Military activity
The sign warns of an area where you may encounter military vehicles.

152 Crosswind
Warns that the road is often exposed to strong crosswinds. The sign is often set up together with a wind sausage, which shows how strong the wind is at the moment.

153 Traffic accident
The sign must warn of accidents that have consequences for the flow of traffic. The sign must not be put up permanently.

154 Skiers
The sign warns of a section where skiers often cross the road. Not used if there is only a ski slope that runs parallel to the road.

155 Riding
The sign warns that riders are traveling in the area, and can cross or ride in the road.
10. Sign overview
10.2 Obligation to yield and right-of-way signs
Obligation to yield and right-of-way signs

202 Obligation to give way
The sign is at the entrance to an intersection or other road, and shows that drivers are obliged to give way to traffic from all directions.

204 Stop
The sign means that you are obliged to give way to traffic from all directions at the intersection or the road you are entering. In addition, the sign requires you to stop completely before driving onto the road - even if you do not see other road users on the road.

206 Access road
Sign 206 indicates that you are driving on a right-of-way. Drivers coming from a side road or crossing road are obliged to give way to you. The sign is valid until it is canceled with the sign End of right-of-way, Obligation to give way or Stop.

208 End of driveway
The sign warns that the right-of-way has come to an end and normal right-of-way rules apply again. You must therefore give way to traffic from the right unless another sign says otherwise.

210 Right-of-way intersection
The sign is shaped like a danger sign, but belongs to the right-of-way and right-of-way signs. The sign is put up in front of intersections that are unclear, complicated or prone to accidents. There is crossing traffic that is obliged to give way, but you should drive through the crossing with great care.

212 Obligation to yield to oncoming drivers
You are obliged to yield to oncoming traffic. This means that you are the one who has to stop in front of obstacles or narrow sections of road where there is only room for one car in width. You can drive when oncoming traffic has passed. Oncoming traffic sees the next sign in this list, 214.

214 Oncoming vehicles are obliged to give way
Oncoming traffic has the right of way for you. It is therefore you who must drive first in road sections where there is only room for one car in width - for example due to an obstacle or a narrowing. Oncoming traffic sees the previous sign in this list, 212.
10. Sign overview
10.3 Prohibition signs (1/7)
Prohibition sign

302 Entry prohibited
The sign is in front of roads you are not allowed to drive onto. It is mainly used in front of one-way streets.

306.0 Prohibited for all vehicles
This sign stands in front of a road where it is forbidden for all vehicles to travel. The ban applies from the sign until the next intersection. It is permitted to wheel bicycles and mopeds.

306.1 Prohibited for motor vehicles
This sign is used to prohibit or restrict driving with a motor vehicle. The sign often has sub-signs that specify time periods, certain vehicles or prohibitions against driving through.

306.3 Prohibited for tractors and for motor implements designed for speeds less than 40 km/h
Prohibited for all tractors. Also those who can drive over 40 km/h. The sign is used on roads where it is important that traffic maintains a high speed.

306.4 Prohibited for motorcycles and mopeds
Used when traffic with motorcycles and mopeds is to be prohibited or restricted.

306.5 Prohibited for trucks and tractors
The sign is used when it is desirable to prohibit or limit traffic with lorries and tractors for reasons other than width restrictions, height restrictions, length restrictions and weight restrictions.
10. Sign overview
10.3 Prohibition signs (2/7)
Prohibition sign

306.6 Prohibited for cyclists
The sign must be used when, for reasons of traffic safety, it is necessary to prohibit bicycle traffic on a stretch of road. This is typically on major main roads with heavy traffic and high speed levels.

306.7 Prohibited for pedestrians
This sign is used when, for reasons of traffic safety, it is necessary to prohibit pedestrian traffic on a stretch of road. The sign only applies to pedestrians.

306.8 Prohibited for pedestrians and cyclists
This sign is used when, for reasons of traffic safety, it is necessary to prohibit both pedestrian and bicycle traffic on a stretch of road. This will typically be at tunnels or on major main roads with heavy traffic and high speed levels.

306.9 Prohibited for riders
Sign 306.9 is used when it is necessary to prohibit riding on a stretch of road. The sign must only be used in special cases where the rider is a major inconvenience to other traffic.

308 Prohibited for the transport of dangerous goods
This sign is used when considerations of traffic safety or the environment make it necessary to prohibit the transport of dangerous goods on a stretch of road. Such a ban may be particularly relevant for tunnels with a long length or a large volume of traffic. The ban applies to vehicles carrying dangerous goods that are mentioned in regulation 1 December 2006 no. 1331 on the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail.

310 Prohibited for motor vehicles with more than two wheels and with a permissible total weight higher than specified
Here, the weight limit is 3.5 tonnes permitted total weight. What is your vehicle's permissible total weight can be found in the vehicle registration card.
10. Sign overview
10.3 Prohibition signs (3/7)
Prohibition sign

312 Width limit
The sign indicates the maximum width of vehicles with goods included. This sign sets the limit at 2.3 metres.

314 Height limit
The sign must be used at all tunnels when the measured height is less than 4.60 meters and indicates the maximum height of vehicles including goods. In this example, the limit is 3.5 metres.

316 Length limit
The sign indicates the length limit of vehicles, including goods and any attachments. Here the limit is 10 metres.

318.1 Total weight limit for vehicles
The sign indicates the maximum weight for one vehicle with any load for the upcoming section. If you have several vehicles - i.e. truck trains - each of the vehicles can weigh a maximum of the specified weight. This sign indicates a limit of 12 tonnes.

318.2 Total weight limit for wagon trains
The sign applies to truck trains. The vehicles in a train cannot weigh more than the specified weight in total. Individual vehicles cannot weigh more than the stated weight either. The specified weight is here 30 tonnes.

320 Axle load limit
This sign applies to heavier vehicles and indicates the maximum axle load. For bogie axles, the indicated weight on the sign must be multiplied by 1.5 and for triple bogies, the indicated weight must be multiplied by 2. The specified axle load is here 3 tonnes.
10. Sign overview
10.3 Prohibition signs (4/7)
Prohibition sign

322 Bogie load limit
This sign also only applies to heavier vehicles and indicates the maximum bogie load for a section. Here 10 tonnes.

324 Stop for specified purpose
The sign warns of a mandatory stop for inspection. It is therefore not allowed to continue driving until the inspection has been carried out. The sign is also available in a variant that warns of a toll stop.

326 Stop for customs
Sign 326 is used to indicate the place where customs clearance is to be carried out and indicates the obligation to stop for customs clearance in accordance with the applicable customs regulations.

330.1 Prohibition of turning
Prohibited turns are used to prohibit right-hand turns at intersections or exits. Turning bans may be necessary due to poor visibility or space, for reasons of traffic flow or to prevent wrong driving into an oncoming one-way street.

330.2 Prohibition of turning
Like the previous sign, but here to prohibit left turns at crossroads or exits.

332 Reversal prohibition
Sign 332 is used where turning is to be prohibited. The regulation is not only limited to "U-turns", but also covers other forms of turning manoeuvres, such as reversing into or out of a crossing road or exiting to make a turn. The sign applies from where it is set up up to and including the first road junction.
10. Sign overview
10.3 Prohibition signs (5/7)
Prohibition sign

334 Overtaking prohibition
The sign indicates a prohibition against passing a motor vehicle with more than two wheels. The ban applies until it is lifted with a sign, or in the section indicated by a sub-sign. The sign is typically set up where visibility and conditions for overtaking may seem good enough, but are not.

335 Overtaking prohibition for trucks
Lorries, defined as motor vehicles with a permissible total weight of over 3,500 kg, cannot overtake motor vehicles with more than two wheels. The ban applies until it is lifted with a sign, or in the section indicated on the sub-sign.

336 End of overtaking ban
The sign repeals the ban on overtaking vehicles with more than two wheels.

337 End of overtaking ban for trucks
This sign repeals the ban on trucks passing vehicles on more than two wheels.

362 Speed limit
It is forbidden to drive faster than the speed indicated on the sign. The sign is valid until a different speed limit is indicated, either with a new speed limit sign or with the sign End of special speed limit (364). When the sign is only on the right side of the road, this is to repeat the applicable speed limit.

364 End of special speed limit
When the speed limit is lifted with this sign, the general speed limit applies. The sign must only be used outside densely built-up areas, so this means that the new speed limit is 80 km/h.
10. Sign overview
10.3 Prohibition signs (6/7)
Prohibition sign

366 Speed limit zone
The sign indicates a speed limit of 30 km/h in a larger, delimited area with several roads. For example, a residential area, city center area or other areas where zone signage is appropriate.

368 End of speed limit zone
30 zone is abolished, and the general speed limits apply. As speed limit zones are usually used in densely built-up areas, the speed limit will probably be 50 km/h.

370 Stopping prohibited
The sign indicates a prohibition against stopping vehicles on the side of the road where the sign is posted. The ban applies until the next road junction or until other signs lift the ban.

372 Parking prohibited
The sign indicates a prohibition against parking (see definition of parking in the Traffic Rules) on the side of the road where the sign is posted. The sign applies until the next road junction, or until other signs lift the ban.

376.1 Parking zone
The sign indicates parking rules for a larger area. The sign shows that you can park for a maximum of 1 hour on weekdays between 08:00 and 18:00. Outside this time period, you can park without restriction for 1 hour. The sign is valid until it is revoked with the end of parking zone signs.

376.2 Parking zone
The sign indicates parking regulations for a larger area. The sign shows that parking is prohibited between 08.00 and 18.00 on weekdays, and 08.00 and 16.00 on Saturdays. Outside this period, parking is permitted. The sign is valid until it is revoked by the end of parking zone signs. Some areas in a zone may be regulated by other parking signs.
10. Sign overview
10.3 Prohibition signs (7/7)
Prohibition sign

378.1 End of parking zone
Sign 378 must be used to cancel the parking zone. This zone is not canceled by other parking regulation signs.

378.2 End of parking zone
Sign 378 must be used to cancel the zone regulation indicated with the Parking zone sign. This zone is not canceled by other parking regulation signs.
10. Sign overview
10.4 Mandatory signs (1/2)
Mandatory sign

402.1 Mandatory direction of travel
All the signs in series 402 show which way drivers must take at an intersection. 402.1 is located at the intersection itself and only allows you to turn right at the intersection.

402.2 Mandatory direction of travel
If this sign is at the intersection, you can only turn left.

402.3 Mandatory direction of travel
At intersections with this sign you can only drive straight ahead.

402.4 Mandatory direction of travel
In contrast to 402.1, which stands at the intersection itself, this sign is put up just before the intersection. At intersections with several lanes on the way in, the sign can hang over the lane.

402.5 Mandatory direction of travel
In contrast to 402.2, which is erected at the intersection, this sign is erected before the intersection. But the sign warns of the same mandatory choice of direction for the intersection.

402.6 Mandatory direction of travel
The sign is before the intersection and indicates which directions you can drive at the intersection.
10. Sign overview
10.4 Mandatory signs (2/2)
Mandatory sign

402.7 Mandatory direction of travel
The sign is before the intersection and indicates which directions you can drive at the intersection.

402.8 Mandatory direction of travel
The sign is before the intersection and indicates which directions you can drive at the intersection.

404.1 Mandated lane
The sign indicates that drivers must pass the sign on the side the arrow points towards and is mostly used on traffic islands, traffic dividers and center dividers where driving traffic must only pass on one side.

404.2 Mandated lane
As the previous sign, but here you must pass the sign on the left.

406 Mandatory roundabout
The sign always stands together with the right-of-way sign and must be put up in front of all roundabouts.
10. Sign overview
10.5 Information sign (1/8)
Information sign

501 Freeway
The sign states that the upcoming section is a motorway and must be set up where it begins, and where roads or ramps leading to the motorway take off from the rest of the road network. It is forbidden for mopeds, cyclists, pedestrians, and for vehicles that cannot legally drive over 40 km/h to drive there. It is also forbidden to park, turn, stop or reverse on a motorway.

503 Motor traffic road
The sign states that rules for motor traffic roads apply. As on the motorway, it is prohibited for mopeds, pedestrians and cyclists, and for vehicles that cannot legally drive over 40 km/h. It is also forbidden to turn, reverse, stop or park. The standard requirement on the road is not as high as for the motorway

504 End of motorway
Sign 504 is used to indicate the end of a motorway when it turns directly into a normal road. This must also be announced with sign 504 together with sub-sign 802 "Distance".

505 End of motorway
Sign 505 is used to indicate the end of a motor traffic road when it crosses directly into a public road. Notification of the transition is not necessary.

506 Heavy traffic lane
Driving lane for motor vehicles with a permissible total weight higher than specified. The sign indicates that the lane for heavy traffic begins and that the provisions of the traffic rules on heavy traffic lanes apply. The sign applies up to sign 507 "End of heavy traffic lane" or to the first road junction. The sign is also canceled by road signs indicating other use of the field.

507 End of heavy traffic lane
This sign cancels the heavy traffic lane
10. Sign overview
10.5 Information sign (2/8)
Information sign

508.1 Collective lane for buses
The sign indicates that the public transport lane begins and that the provisions of the traffic rules on public transport lanes apply. This means that electric cars, mopeds, motorcycles and uniformed emergency vehicles can also use the lane.

508.2 Collective lanes for buses and taxis
Same sign as previous, but in addition, taxis can also use this public transport field.

509 Joint use field
The sign informs about joint use fields. This lane can be used by taxis and buses, and by vehicles carrying at least the number of passengers indicated on the sign, in this case 2 people. Mopeds and motorcycles can also use the shared use area.

510.1 End of public transport lane
Sign 510 indicates that the traffic rules' provisions on public transport lanes cease to apply. Collective lanes can also be canceled by road junctions and road signs indicating other uses of the lane. In such cases, sign 510 must not be erected.

510.2 End of public transport lanes
Same as previous sign.

511 End of joint use field
This sign indicates that the traffic regulations' provisions on shared use lanes cease to apply. Joint-use fields are also canceled by road junctions and road signs indicating other uses of the field. In such cases, sign 511 must not be put up.
10. Sign overview
10.5 Information sign (3/8)
Information sign

512 Bus stop
The sign informs that there is a bus stop on the site and that the provisions of the traffic regulations regarding bus stops apply. The sign can be placed on reading sheds and on timetables.

513 Tram stop
The sign warns of a tram stop.

514 Taxi stand
The sign indicates that there is a taxi stand on the site. The provisions of the traffic rules on stopping places apply. The sign can be placed on reading carts.

516 Crosswalk
The sign indicates the crossing point for pedestrians and the rules for pedestrian crossings apply. If the pedestrian lane is not regulated by traffic lights, the driver is obliged to give way to pedestrians who are in the lane or on their way out of it. Drivers must not stop on pedestrian crossings, or park closer than 5 meters in front of pedestrian crossings. If the road has a crosswalk, pedestrians must use the crosswalk when crossing the road.

518 Walkway
The sign informs about the way for pedestrians. Prohibited for vehicles and bicycles must have a parallel corresponding offer.

520 Cycle route
Road for cyclists. Prohibited for all driving except bicycles.
10. Sign overview
10.5 Information sign (4/8)
Information sign

521 Cycle lane
The road has its own lane for cyclists, which must not be used by other drivers, and it is also forbidden to stop or park there. Cyclists must use the cycle lane on the right side of the road if there are cycle lanes in both directions.

522 Pedestrian and cycle path
Road for pedestrians and cyclists.

524 Meeting place
The sign is used on roads that in places do not have room for two cars in width, to mark sections or pockets where there is room for two cars in width. This way, oncoming traffic can use the meeting space to pass each other. It is not allowed to park in a meeting place.

526.1 One-way traffic
This is the sign for one-way traffic and shows the permitted direction of travel on the road. Used on one-way roads. The sign is also available in landscape version (526.2)

526.2 One-way driving
Same as sign 526.1, but in landscape version. The sign shows the permitted direction of travel on the road. Used on one-way roads.

527.1 Dead end
The sign shows that the road straight ahead is a dead end. The sign comes in a number of variants, with different directions such as a dead end.
10. Sign overview
10.5 Information sign (5/8)
Information sign

527.3 Dead end
One of many dead ends. The sign shows that the road is a dead end for drivers, but that there is a cycle path ahead. The path can be used by pedestrians and cyclists.

527.4 Dead end
One of many dead end variants. This shows that cyclists and pedestrians can continue past the cul-de-sac.

528 Optional lane
Sign 528 is used to mark the tip of an island where traffic lanes leading in the same direction are separated by means of refuges, traffic dividers or the like. The sign must not be used between carriageways that branch out from each other.

530 Interlacing
Sign 530 is used to notify that two normal lanes are being merged into one, and that it must merge in accordance with the provisions of the traffic regulations. This means that when the number of normal lanes in the same direction is reduced, the speed must be mutually adapted so that the drivers can continue alternately without unnecessary hindrance or disturbance to each other.

531.1 Field for speed increase
The sign is on a two-lane road, and shows that an acceleration lane is coming in from the right, which will merge with the right-hand lane on the two-lane road. The lanes that are red have an obligation to give way to those driving in the black lane on the far left.

531.2 Field for speed increase
Same as sign 531.1, but this is written on the acceleration field entering from the right.
10. Sign overview
10.5 Information sign (6/8)
Information sign

532 Lane ends
Sign 532 is used to notify that lanes end at lane closures where the traffic rules' provisions on merging shall not apply. The sign obliges those driving in the lane who stop to make a lane change to give way in accordance with the traffic rules.

534 Lane begins
Sign 534 is available in various variants and shows that an extra lane begins on a stretch of road.

536.1 Hitting continues in own lane
The sign shows that the carriageway is carried along with another carriageway in the same direction of travel, and that all lanes in the direction of travel are carried on as separate lanes. The most common case is that the on-ramp continues in its own lane parallel to the lanes on the thoroughfare.

536.2 Hitting continues in own lane
Same as 536.1, but this is on the connecting road

538 Lane division
The sign indicates the number of lanes on the carriageway, and the direction of travel for the individual lanes. Special regulations that apply to certain fields may be shown on the sign. The sign is available in a number of different editions.

539 Changed driving pattern
The sign is yellow because it is temporary. It shows a change in driving pattern. This sign shows that the right-hand lane must drive through an opening in the middle section, and lie down in the right-hand lane in the opposite direction of travel. New routes are often carefully signposted.
10. Sign overview
10.5 Information sign (7/8)
Information sign

540 Gatetun
The sign informs you that you are coming to a street garden and the rules for street gardens apply. Vehicles are obliged to give way to pedestrians, vehicles cannot drive faster than walking speed and parking can only take place in designated spaces.

542 End of street garden
Sign 542 informs that you are about to leave the street garden and that the traffic rules' provisions on street garden cease to apply.

548 Gågate
The sign indicates the boundary of the area where it is forbidden to drive a motor vehicle and where the provisions of the traffic rules on pedestrian streets apply. In certain cases, it may be necessary to permit the transport of goods and, exceptionally, also other driving in pedestrian streets.

550 End of pedestrian street
The sign warns that the pedestrian street has ended, and you are obliged to yield in the same way as when you come from a car park.

552 Parking
The sign indicates that parking is permitted on the site, as long as the parking does not contravene the provisions of the traffic rules regarding stopping or parking.

556 Automatic traffic control
The sign warns of a photo booth. The photo booth photographs your vehicle if you are speeding when you pass it.
10. Sign overview
10.5 Information sign (8/8)
Information sign

556.2 Automatic traffic control
The sign warns of a speed camera in distance measurement. With distance measurement, your speed is measured by checking how long you spend between two speed cameras. The first box takes a picture of all vehicles, and the second box only takes a picture of those that use such a short time that the speed has been too high.

558 Video control/surveillance
The sign warns that there is control or monitoring of traffic with a video camera at the place or stretch of road in question. The sign is set up in front of toll booths with video control of the toll lanes.

560 Information board
The sign must provide information about road and traffic conditions that cannot be communicated with other signs, such as toll booths, detours or tourist destinations. At tourist information the sign is brown and at roadworks the sign is yellow.

565 Wrong direction of travel
The sign has almost the same function 302 Entry prohibited, but is used exclusively as an additional warning to prevent road users from straying onto the motorway in the direction of traffic.

570.1 Emergency exit sign for tunnel
The sign is at the emergency exit in the tunnel. The sign must be erected at all cross connections and other escape routes in tunnels.

570.2 Emergency exit sign for tunnel
The sign points to the emergency exit in the tunnel and indicates the distance to the exit.
10. Sign overview
10.6 Service plate (1/4)
Service plate

601 Listen to the radio
The sign encourages drivers to listen to the radio to receive important traffic announcements. The sign is mainly used in tunnels.

602 First aid
The sign shows the way to the emergency department with a 24-hour emergency department.

605 Emergency telephone
The sign shows the location of the emergency phone, where you can call the emergency services. Used on motorways, high mountain crossings and in road tunnels.

606 Fire extinguisher
The sign is used to mark a place with a fire extinguisher that has been set up for the benefit of road users, e.g. in road tunnels. It can only be used on service signs that mark such a place. The symbol can be combined with the symbol for emergency telephone (605).

608 Vehicle workshop
Shows the way to an authorized vehicle workshop in areas where workshops are rare. The sign only refers to workshops that repair all car brands.

610 Fuel
Shows the way to a petrol station with 24-hour sales of fuel.
10. Sign overview
10.6 Service plate (2/4)
Service plate

611 Toilet drainage system
Symbol 611 is used to refer to facilities that can accept toilet waste from all applicable vehicle types; caravans, mobile homes and buses, and to mark where such facilities are located.

612 Toilet
Symbol 612 is used to refer to a public toilet that is not located in a rest area, or to a private toilet where the road authorities have entered into a special agreement that the toilet can be used by all road users. The toilet must be available around the clock and must be accessible to wheelchair users.

613 Rest area
Symbol 613 is used to indicate rest areas for which the Norwegian Public Roads Administration is responsible, or where there is an agreement with private parties for operation.

613.2 Rest area with toilet
As the previous sign, but with access to a toilet.

614 Easier serving
The sign warns of a kiosk or small roadside inn that serves simple food such as hamburgers, pizza and sausages.

616 Restaurant
The sign can be used for eateries where hot dinners are served in separate premises with tables and chairs. This will apply to restaurants and cafeterias with a good selection of products. The place must have a municipal license to run such activities in accordance with the Catering Act, and must be open to all road users for at least 8 hours every day.
10. Sign overview
10.6 Service plate (3/4)
Service plate

618 Campsite
The sign is used for campsites that are designed for tents, caravans and mobile homes. The site can also have camping cabins.

621 Motorhome space
This sign informs about pitches that have at least 8 pitches that are specifically intended for setting up mobile homes, and which are not intended for setting up caravans. These can be special pitches adjacent to a campsite, or pitches reserved for mobile home accommodation in or near urban areas.

622 Camping cabins
Symbol 622 on a service sign can be used for places that rent camping cabins, and which can document that it meets the quality requirements for a star.

624 Hostel
This sign informs about hostels that meet the authorities' requirements for accommodation establishments.

626 Accommodation
The sign informs about accommodation which is located up to 10 km from the road it is shown from, and which mainly serves the traffic on this road. In very sparsely built-up areas, it can be shown over a longer distance.

635 Information
Shows the location of information boards for tourists and other road users who want information about the area.

637 Tourist office
This sign is used to indicate tourist information offices that have authorization in class 1 from the "Authorization Board for tourist information offices in Norway."
10. Sign overview
10.6 Service plate (4/4)
Service plate

640 Sights
The sign informs about sights that are significant or interesting to more than a few particularly interested people, e.g., past memory, historical building or special natural phenomenon. The symbol on the sign must not be used for purely commercial facilities such as amusement parks.

640.12 Museum/gallery
The sign informs about a museum or gallery.

640.20 View point.
The sign informs about a viewpoint along the road with a sensational view.

650 Bathing area
Symbol 650.10 can be used to indicate a public bathing area or other bathing area that the municipality wishes to point to and which is open to all road users.

650.11 Fishing place
Symbol 650.11 can be used to indicate a fishing spot that is open to all road users, and where you can fish with your own or hired gear from shore. The sign must be recommended by a local outdoor or tourist organisation.

650.20 Hiking trail
The sign is used to mark the starting point for hikes. This starting point must have good parking conditions. There must be an information board at the site showing the range of marked walking paths and trails in the area, and there must be at least one marked walking path/trail that starts from this location.

650.30 Ski trail
The sign is set up to indicate the starting point for ski tours. This starting point should have good parking conditions.

650.40 Farm food/rural tourism
The sign is put up in front of places that offer rural tourism and farm food.
10. Sign overview
10.7 Road signs (1/10)
Road sign

701 Table orientation board
This type of table orientation board is used before regular, simple intersections. The shape of the junction or exit is not shown.

703 Chart Orientation Board
These show the shape of intersections or exits, and important signs.

705 Exit sign
These are used to show motorway exits or similar roads.

707 Lane orientation board
The sign is used to show the way when several fields go in different directions, or where there is a need to show which files go where.

711 Table Wizard
Used at intersections with many display targets that need signage.

717 Lane Wizard
The sign shows which destinations the lane is intended for.
10. Sign overview
10.7 Road signs (2/10)
Road sign

709 Portal orientation board
Sign 709 is used in front of junctions with multiple lanes and in other places with multiple lanes when it is necessary to show traffic with a specific destination to a specific lane. On multi-lane roads. Especially on motorways with a lot of traffic, traffic in other lanes will often obstruct the view of road signs placed to the side. Use of sign 709 will then be necessary.

713 Common wizard
Same function as 711, but used in simple intersections and roundabouts, and shows the way to different types of targets.

715 Exit guide
Shows exits that have an exit lane for speed reduction. The sign also shows the exit number. Only used on roads with level-signposted intersections.

719 Portal Wizard
On multi-lane roads and particularly on motorways with a lot of traffic, traffic in other lanes will often obstruct the view of side-placed direction signs, and the use of sign 719 will then be necessary. On roads with three lanes in the same direction, gantry signs must be used instead of side-placed signs.

723.11 Road number for European road
The sign stands along all European roads, and shows which European road you are on. E stands for European road.

723.12 Road number for European road
This sign is on the way as a guide to a European road. The surrounding lines are dashed. If the line is complete, you drive on the European route.
10. Sign overview
10.7 Road signs (3/10)
Road sign

723.13 Road number for a national road that is not a European road
You can find this sign on national roads, and shows which number the national road has.

723.14 Road number for a national road that is not a European road
The sign shows that the road leads to a national road. The road is not a European road.

723.15 Road number for numbered county road
Stands along county roads, and shows the number of the county road.

723.16 Road number for numbered county road
The sign is on the way as a guide to the numbered county road. The line is dashed.

723.21 Ring road/ring route
This sign stands along the ring road and shows which ring road you are on.

723.22 Ring road/ring route
The sign stands along the road leading to a ring road.
10. Sign overview
10.7 Road signs (4/10)
Road sign

723.31 National tourist route
The sign stands along roads that have the status of a national tourist road. It can also be written on signposts showing the way to the national tourist route.

723.41 Detour route for large vehicles
The sign is used to show the way for heavy vehicles, where they must take a different route than cars and other smaller vehicles.

723.51 Route for the transport of dangerous goods
The sign shows the way for vehicles transporting dangerous goods, where these cannot use the same road as other traffic. Mainly applies to heavy vehicles and other professional transport regulated by ADR legislation.

723 Junction number on multi-lane road
The sign warns of an upcoming exit. The number refers to the number of the exit. On larger roads, all exits have their own number.

723.72 Junction number on multi-lane road
Notifications of upcoming exit. The number refers to the number of the exit. On larger roads, all exits have their own number.

723.73 Junction number on a two-lane road
Notifications of upcoming exit. The number refers to the number of the exit. On larger roads, all exits have their own number.
10. Sign overview
10.7 Road signs (5/10)
Road sign

727 Place name plates
Such signs stand at the border of a city, town or other place that may be of importance to traffic.

729 Street/road name signs
Signs that inform about the name of the street or road.

731 Collective signs for directions
The sign shows places or businesses that can be reached via a shared road at an intersection or exit.

741 Detour for specific vehicle groups
The sign warns that the road is closed to specific vehicle groups, and that such vehicles must follow the detour as shown on the sign.

743 Temporary detour
This sign is often put up in connection with roadworks and alerts that the road is temporarily closed. Traffic must follow a detour route.

745 End of temporary detour
End of temporary detour. Traffic can follow the normal route.
10. Sign overview
10.7 Road signs (6/10)
Road sign

749 Guide for pedestrian traffic
The sign shows the measurements and distance for pedestrians on footpaths.

751 Bicycle route guide
Signs showing the direction and distance to the destination for cyclists along the cycle path.

753 Table guide for cycle route
Collection of signs for various cycle routes.

755 Cycle route signs
Set up along the bicycle route.

757 Distance sign for cycle route
Sign 757 is used to show the distance to targets along cycle routes. This can be important where the cycle route has different distances to car traffic.

761 Motorway
Symbol that stands in place of text on signs. This symbol means Motorway.
10. Sign overview
10.7 Road signs (7/10)
Road sign

763 Motor traffic road
Symbol that stands in place of text on signs. This symbol means Motor traffic road.

765 Toll road/user payment on the way
Symbol that stands in place of text on signs. This symbol means Toll road.

767 Parking
Symbol that stands in place of text on signs. This symbol means Parking.

769 Parking garage
Symbol that stands in place of text on signs. This symbol means Parking garage.

771 Airport/airfield
The symbol is inside a road sign, and shows the way to the airport.

772 Helipad
The symbol is in another signpost, and shows the way to the helipad.
10. Sign overview
10.7 Road signs (8/10)
Road sign

773 Bus station/bus terminal
The symbol is inside other direction signs, and shows the way to a bus station or bus stop.

774 Railway station/train terminal
The symbol is inside another signpost, and shows the way to the train station.

775 Car ferry
The symbol is inside other signposts and shows the way to the car ferry.

780 Chain
The symbol is inside other signposts, and shows the way to the chain site.

790.10 Church
The symbol is inside other signposts, and shows the way to the church.

790.15 Business area
The symbol is inside other signposts and shows the way to the commercial area.
10. Sign overview
10.7 Road signs (9/10)
Road sign

790.20 Swimming hall
The symbol is inside another signpost, and shows the way to the swimming pool.

790.30 Alpine facilities
The symbol is inside other signposts, and shows the way to alpine resorts.

790.31 Jump hill
The symbol is inside another signpost, and shows the way to the ski jump.

790.15 Ski stadium
The sign is inside other signposts and shows the way to the ski stadium.

792.11 Payment by electronic chip
The symbol is at a toll station or other road payment, and shows the method of payment. This sign means automatic bomb tag.

792.12 Payment to officer
The symbol is at a toll station or other road payment, and shows the method of payment. This sign means that you must pay to the official on the spot.
10. Sign overview
10.7 Road signs (10/10)
Road sign

792.12 Payment with coins to the machine
The symbol is at a toll station or other road payment, and shows the method of payment. This sign means payment by coin machine.

792.14 Payment by card to machine
The symbol is at a toll station or other road payment, and shows the method of payment. This sign means payment by card in the machine.

792.15 Payment with notes to a machine
The symbol is at a toll station or other road payment, and shows the method of payment. This sign means payment with notes in a machine.

792.16 Take a ticket in a closed payment system
The symbol is at a toll station or other road payment, and shows the method of payment. This sign means that you must take a ticket from a ticket machine that allows you to pay later.

792.17 Deliver ticket in a closed payment system
The symbol is at a toll station or other road payment, and shows the method of payment. This sign means that you must hand in a ticket you have previously collected from the payment system.

792.30 Fully automatic toll station that is passed without stopping
The symbol is at a toll station or other road payment, and shows the method of payment. This sign means that payment is made through a code tag and a fully automatic toll station that can be passed without stopping.
10. Sign overview
10.8 Sub-sign (1/5)

802 Distance
The sub-sign indicates the distance to the place where the main sign comes into force, or to the place where a corresponding main sign has been erected (so-called warning).

804 Extent
804 Extent shows which section the main sign applies to. This is set up 0.2 km before the main sign comes into effect. The main sign goes out of effect in 1.3 km.

806 Time
Shows which time periods the sign applies to. The numbers are the time. Black text without brackets is Monday-Friday, black text with brackets is Saturday, and red text is Sunday, other holidays and public holidays. The sign does not apply outside of the time periods specified, nor on days where no time period is specified. For example, it does not apply on Sundays if the sign does not have red times.

807.1 Symbol
Shows who the sign applies to. This is the symbol for passenger car.

807.2 Symbol
Shows who the sign applies to. This is the symbol for van, lorry and tow truck.

807.3 Symbol
Shows who the sign applies to. This is the symbol for bus.
10. Sign overview
10.8 Sub-sign (2/5)

807.4 Symbol
Shows who the sign applies to. This is the symbol for wagon trains.

807.5 Symbol
Shows who the sign applies to. This is the symbol for a trailer equipped for camping use and the vehicle pulling it.

807.6 Symbol
Shows who the sign applies to. This is the symbol for bicycle.

807.7 Symbol
Shows who the sign applies to. This is the symbol for motorcycles and mopeds.

807.8 Symbol
Shows who the sign applies to. This is the symbol for disabled people with a parking permit.

807.9 Symbol
Shows who the sign applies to. This is the symbol for vehicles that have been fitted out for camping, i.e. motorhomes.
10. Sign overview
10.8 Sub-sign (3/5)

808 Does not apply to buses and taxis
Placed under a sign to show that the sign does not apply to buses and taxis. The signs in the 808 series are called "text" and can say different things on them - for example "school" or "game crossing".

810 Swing arrow
Shows which direction at an intersection the sign applies to. This sub-sign shows that the main sign applies to the road turning to the right. Available in the version where the arrow points to the left.

812 Recommended speed
The sign is below a main sign that warns of danger, and indicates the recommended driving speed in connection with this danger.

813.1 Grade of rise
The sign is under warning of steep ground, uphill or downhill. The sign indicates how steep the hill is.

813.2 Grade of rise
The sign is under a steep hill warning, and indicates how steep the hill is. The sign recommends low gear, because low gear slows down the vehicle. This way you can limit the wear and tear on the normal braking system on long downhills. This sign indicates that the hill has a slope of 9 percent.

814 Really free road width
The sign is placed under the notice of a narrower road, and indicates the width of the road itself and the air space above the road.
10. Sign overview
10.8 Sub-sign (4/5)

816 Crossing timber transport
The sign is put up under danger signs in areas with timber operations, where crossing timber transport can surprise traffic.

817 Special risk of accidents
The sign is put up under a warning about the danger of accidents. The image is adapted to the design of the hazard location.

822 Course of access road
The sub-sign is placed under signs that inform about the obligation to give way or the right-of-way, and shows the course of an intersection. The lines are roads. Thick lines are right-of-way, and thin lines are roads with an obligation to give way.

824 Notice of stop
The lower sign is below the yield sign, and warns of upcoming stop signs.

826 Cycle traffic in both directions
The lower sign shows that there is cycle traffic in both directions on a crossing cycle path or pedestrian and cycle path.

828.1 Extent of stopping and parking regulations
The sign is below the main sign, for example a parking sign, and indicates the section in question. This sign shows that the main sign applies before and after the main sign, up to the nearest intersection in both directions.
10. Sign overview
10.8 Sub-sign (5/5)

828.2 Extent of stopping and parking regulations
The sign is placed below the main sign to show the section the main sign is valid for. This sign shows that the main sign is valid in the stretch up to the sign, from the previous intersection or sign. Main signs with a downward arrow are therefore set up to mark the end of the validity section.

828.3 Extent of stopping and parking regulation
The sign is placed below the main sign to show the section for which the main sign is valid. This sign means that the main sign is valid from where the sign is put up, until the next intersection.

829 Positioning of parked vehicle
The sign is below the parking sign and indicates how the cars must park.

831 Parking disc
The sign below indicates that parking is only permitted if you have a parking disc, and have set this at the time you parked the car. The parking disc must be set so that the parking attendant can see that the maximum time of 2 hours has not been exceeded. The maximum parking time varies from place to place.

834 Combined regulation
The sub-sign indicates parking rules with symbols from other sub-signs. This sign means that the times apply to passenger cars.
10. Sign overview
10.9 Marking signs (1/2)
Marking sign

902H Background marking
A background marking is used to indicate unusually sharp curves where the driver has to make a significant speed reduction in the curve due to the course of the road through the bend. This is used in curves that turn to the right.

902V Background marking
Like the previous sign, this is used to indicate unusually sharp curves where the driver has to make a significant speed reduction in the curve due to the course of the road through the bend. This time to the left.

904H Direction marking
The sign is reminiscent of background marking, but is used in curves that are slightly less sharp. The curves are nevertheless atypical for the stretch and can come as a surprise to road users. In such curves, the driver often has to reduce speed.

904V Direction marking
Same as 904H, only direction left instead.

906H Obstacle marking
The slashes point down towards the side the marking can be passed on, in this case the left side. The H in the sign name stands for right, since the sign must be on the right side of the road.

906V Obstacle marking
The slashes point down towards the side the marking can be passed on, in this case the right side. The V in the sign name stands for left, since the sign must be on the left side of the road.

906VH Obstacle marking
The diagonal stripes point down towards the side on which the marking can be passed. This version of the sign is typically on traffic islands that can be passed on both sides.

908 Obstacle marking
"Obstacle marking is used to mark obstacles across or over the carriageway.

912 Exit marking
The sign marks an exit from a motorway or other road with a high standard. The sign looks like a larger, wider version of the 906 VH.
10. Sign overview
10.9 Marking signs (2/2)
Marking sign

914H Tunnel marking
This sign is used to mark the tunnel wall in relation to the carriageway and show road users the tunnel's alignment. The sign must be installed in all unlit tunnels and can be installed in tunnels without satisfactory lighting to improve visual guidance. Installation of tunnel markings does not replace lighting if such lighting is considered required based on a traffic safety assessment

914V Tunnel marking
Like 914H, but on the other side of the road.

916 Distance marking in tunnel
This sign shows the distance in km from where the sign is to the tunnel openings in both directions.

920H Edge post
Side posts with reflectors are used to improve the visual alignment in the dark on roads with a high speed level. This must be on the right side of the road.

920V Edge post
Side posts with reflectors are used to improve the visual alignment in the dark on roads with a high speed level. This is used on the left side of the road.

920VM Edge post
Variant of edge post.

930. Barrier marking
Marking indicating a roadblock or separation from the workplace.

940 Traffic cone
Cone that either indicates that road users must stay within the field into which they have been directed or indicates other conditions that road users must be aware of.

942 Traffic cylinder
Cylinder that either indicates that road users must stay within the field into which they have been directed or indicates other conditions that road users must be aware of.